Definition of Abolishment


  • the act of abolishing a system or practice or institution (especially abolishing slavery)
    "the abolition of capital punishment"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Abolishment

  • Scrabble® score of the abolishment (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the abolishment (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the abolishment (21)

Unscramble abolishment

1928 unscramble word found using the letters abolishment.

ab abet abets abies able ableism ableist ables ablest ablet ablets ablins abmho abmhos abo abohm abohms aboil abolish abolishment abos abs abseil absent absinth absinthe absit ae aeon aeons ah ahem ahent ahi ahint ahis ahs ai ail ailment ailments ails aim aims ain aine ains ais aisle ait aits al alb albe albeit albino albinos albite albites albs ale ales alien aliens aliment aliments aline alines alison alist alit alme almeh almehs almes almost alms aloe aloes aloin aloins alone als also alt altho alto altos alts am ambient ambients ambit ambits amble ambles ambo ambones ambos ame amen amens ament aments ames ami amie amies amin amine amines amino aminos amins amis amnio amnios amniote amniotes amole amoles amosite an ane anes anethol anethols ani anil anile anils anime animes anis anise anisole anole anoles anomie anomies ans ant ante antes anthem anthemis anthems anti antis ants as ash ashen ashet ashine ashmen astilbe astone at ate ates atheism atmos atom atomies atomise atoms atone atones atonies ats ba bael baels bah baht bahts bail bailment bailments bails bailsmen bait baith baits bal bale bales balise balm balmiest balms bals balti baltis bam bams ban bane banes