Definition of Aegyptopithecus


  • extinct primate of about 38 million years ago
    fossils found in Egypt
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Aegyptopithecus

  • Scrabble® score of the aegyptopithecus (28)
  • Word Chums® score of the aegyptopithecus (34)
  • Words With Friends® score of the aegyptopithecus (31)

Unscramble aegyptopithecus

2413 unscramble word found using the letters aegyptopithecus.

ace aces acetose acetous ach ache aches achiest achiote achiotes achy act acts acuity acute acutes acutest ae aegis aesc aesthetic ag age agee ageist ages agio agios agist agitpop agitpops ago agouti agouties agoutis agouty ags ague agues aguise aguish aguti agutis ah ahi ahis ahoy ahs ai aight ais ait aitch aitches aits aitu aitus aiyee ape apepsy apes apeshit aphetic aphetise aphis aphotic apices apiece apio apios apish apo apogee apogees apogeic apophyge apophyges apos apothece apotheces app appetise appetite appetites appose apposite apps appui appuis appuy appuys apse apso apt aptest aptote aptotes aptotic apts as asci ascot aseity aseptic ash ashet ashy asp aspect aspic aspout astucity astute at ate ates atheise atheist atheous athetise athetosic atoc atocs atop atopic atopies atopy ats att attic attics atypic auceps aue augh aught aughts augite augites auspice autist auto autophyte autophytes autophytic autopsic autopsy autoptic autos autotype autotypes autotypic autotypies ay aye ayes ays ayu ayus caese cag cage cages cagey cagiest cagot cagots cags cagy cap cape capeesh capes caph caphs capi capo capos capot capote capotes capots caps captious caput case casette cash cast caste cat cate cates catgut catguts cathetus cathouse cats catsuit catsup