Definition of Afterbirth


  • the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled from the uterus after the baby is born
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Unscramble afterbirth

348 unscramble word found using the letters afterbirth.

ab aber abet abri ae afire afrit aft after afterbirth ah ahi ai air airer airt airth ait ar arb arbiter are aret arett arf arret art arti artier at ate att attire ba baft bah baht bait baiter baith bar bare barefit barer barf barfi barite barre barret barrie barter bat bate bath bathe bather batt batter battier be bear beat beath befit berth bertha bet beta beth betta bhai bhat bi bier biftah bifter biretta birr birretta birth birther birthrate bit bite biter bitt bitte bitter bra brae brat brattier breath brei brer briar brie brief brier brit brith britt brr ea ear earth eat eath ef eft eh er era erbia erf err et eta etat eth fa fab fae fah fair fairer faith faither far fare farer fart farter farther fat fate father fatter fattier fe fear feart feat feh fer feria fet feta fett fetta fiar fiat fib fiber fibrate fibre fie fier fir fire firebrat firer firth fit fitt fitte fitter fra frab frae frat frate frater frati freit fret friar frib frier frit frith fritt fritter ha habit hae haet haft hafter hair hare hart hat hate hater hatter he hear heart heat