Definition of Agonist


  • (biochemistry) a drug that can combine with a receptor on a cell to produce a physiological reaction
  • a muscle that contracts while another relaxes
    "when bending the elbow the biceps are the agonist"
  • someone involved in a contest or battle (as in an agon)
  • the principal character in a work of fiction
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Agonist

  • Scrabble® score of the agonist (8)
  • Word Chums® score of the agonist (10)
  • Words With Friends® score of the agonist (10)

Unscramble agonist

215 unscramble word found using the letters agonist.

ag agin agio agios agist ago agon agonist agons ags ai ain ains ais ait aits an angst ani anis ans ant anti antis ants as at ats gain gains gainst gait gaits gan gans gant gants gas gast gat gats gi giant giants gin gins gio gios gis gist git gitano gitanos gits gnat gnats go goa goas goat goats gon gonia gons gos got in ing ingo ingot ingots ings ins into io ion ions ios iota iotas is isna iso it ita itas its na nag nags naoi naos nas nat natis nats ngai ngaio ngaios ngati ngatis nis nit nits no nog nogs nos not nota oast oat oats oi oint oints ois on ons onst os ostia sag sago sagoin sai sain saint san sang sango sant santo sat sati satin sating si sig sign signa sin sing sit snag snig snit snog snot so sog son song sontag sot st stag staig stain stang sting stingo stoa stoai stong ta tag tags tai taig taigs tain tains tais tan tang tangi tangis tango tangos tangs tans tao taos tas tasing ti tian tians tig tigon tigons tigs tin tina tinas ting tings tins tis