Definition of Allometric


  • relating to or marked by allometry
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Allometric

  • Scrabble® score of the allometric (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the allometric (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the allometric (18)

Unscramble allometric

726 unscramble word found using the letters allometric.

ace acer acme acmite acre acro act actor ae aero ai ail aim aimer air airt ait al alco ale alec alert alit all allice allomeric allometric allot alme aloe aloetic alt alter alto am ame ami amice amie amir amitrole amole amorce amoret amort amrit aortic ar arc arco are areic aret ariel aril ariot arle arm armet armil armlet art artel arti artic article at ate atelic atoc atoll atom atomic caille cal call caller callet calltime calm calmer calmier calo calomel calorie cam came camel camelot cameo cami camlet camo camote car care caret cariole carl carle carlot carol caroli carom caromel cart carte cartel cat cate cater ceil cel cell cella cellar celli cello celom celt ceorl ceria cero cert ciao ciel cill cimar cire cirl cit cital cite citer cito citola citole citral claim claimer clam clame clamor claret claro clart clat clear cleat clem climate clime clit clitoral cloam clot clote coal coaler coalier coat coate coater coati coil coiler coir coit coital col cola cole coll collar collaret collate collet collie collier collimate colt colter coma comae comal comart comate come comer comet comital comte cor coral corallite coram core corella coremia coria