Definition of Amortization


  • payment of an obligation in a series of installments or transfers
  • the reduction of the value of an asset by prorating its cost over a period of years
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Amortization

  • Scrabble® score of the amortization (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the amortization (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the amortization (115)

Unscramble amortization

425 unscramble word found using the letters amortization.

aa aarti ai aia aim ain aina air airman airn airt ait am ama amain amation amazon ami amia amin amino amir amnia amnio amorant amorini amorino amort amortization amotion amrit amrita an ana anatto ani anima animati animato animator animi anoa anomia ant anta antar anti antiair antiar antiatom antiriot antra aorta ar aria ariot arm arna arnatto arnotto aroint aroma art arti at atar atma atman atom atomization atonia atria att attain attar attorn azan azo azon imari imino imitant imitator in inamorati inamorato inarm inia inro inti intima into intort intra intro introit intromit io ion iota iron it ita izar ma maa maar main mainor mair man mana manat manati mani mania manito mano manoao manor manta manto mantra mar mara maria marina maron maroon mart martian martin martini mat matai matin matron matt mattin matza matzo matzoon matzot mi mina minar mini mino minor mint mir miri mirin miro mirza mitt miz mna mo moa moai moan moat moi moira moirai moit mon mona monitor mono montaria moo mooi moon moor moot mor mora morat moria morion morn moron mort mot moti motion motor mott motto motza moz mozo na naam naira nam naoi nat