Definition of Anthologise


  • compile an anthology
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Anthologise

  • Scrabble® score of the anthologise (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the anthologise (18)
  • Words With Friends® score of the anthologise (17)

Unscramble anthologise

1590 unscramble word found using the letters anthologise.

ae aegis aeon aeons ag age ageist agen agent agents ages agile agilest agin agio agios agist aglet aglets agloo agloos agnise ago agon agone agones agonies agonise agonist agons ags ah ahent ahi ahing ahint ahis ahs ai aight aiglet aiglets ail ails ain aine ains ais aisle ait aits al ale alength ales algin algins alien aliens alight alights align aligns aline alines alison alist alit aloe aloes aloin aloins alone along alongst aloo aloos als also alsoon alsoone alt altho alto altos alts an ane anes anethol anethols angel angels angle angles anglist anglo anglos angst ani anigh anight anil anile anils anis anise anisole anole anoles ans ant ante antes anthologies anthologise anti antilog antilogs antis ants as ash ashen ashet ashine ashing astone at ate ates atheling athelings atingle atishoo atone atones atonies ats ea ealing ean eans eas easing east easting eastlin eastling eat eath eating eatings eats egal egis ego egoist egos eh ehing ehs eight eights eina eish el elain elains elan elans elastin elating elation elations elhi elint elints elogist eloign eloigns eloin eloins els elshin elsin elt elts en eng engaol engaols engilt english engs enhalo enhalos enlight enlights enlist