Definition of Anthophilous


  • feeding on flowers
    "some insects are anthophagous"
    - anthophagous
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Anthophilous

  • Scrabble® score of the anthophilous (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the anthophilous (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the anthophilous (22)

Unscramble anthophilous

1164 unscramble word found using the letters anthophilous.

ah ahh ahhs ahi ahint ahis ahs ai ail ails ain ains ais ait aits aitu aitus al alison alist alit aloin aloins aloo aloos alp alps als also alsoon alt altho alto altos alts alu alus an ani anil anils anis ans ant anthophilous anti antis ants anu anus aphis aphonous aphthous apio apiol apiols apios apish apo apos apostil apso apt apts as ash asp aspout astoop astun at atishoo atop ats auloi aulos aunt aunts auto autos ha hah hahs hail hails hailshot hain hains haint haints haith halitous halitus halo halon halons halos halt halts han hant hants hao haos hap haplont haplonts haps hapu hapus has hash hasp hast hat hath hatpin hatpins hats haul hauls haulst hault haun hauns haunt haunts haut hi hiant hiatus hila hilt hilts hilus hin hinau hinaus hins hint hints hip hips hipshot hipt his hish hisn hist hit hits ho hoa hoas hoast hoh hoha hohs hoi hois hoist holist holo holon holons holos holp hols holt holts hon hons hoo hoon hoons hoop hoopla hooplas hoops hoos hoosh hoot hoots hop hops hos hospital host hosta hot hots houstonia hout houts huh hui huia huias huis hula