Definition of Antisyphilitic


  • a drug (or other chemical agent) that is effective against syphilis
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Antisyphilitic

  • Scrabble® score of the antisyphilitic (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the antisyphilitic (29)
  • Words With Friends® score of the antisyphilitic (26)

Unscramble antisyphilitic

943 unscramble word found using the letters antisyphilitic.

ach achy acini act actin actins acts acyl acyls ah ahi ahint ahis ahs ai ail ails ain ains ais ait aitch aits al alist alit alp alpinist alps als alt alts an ani anil anility anils anis anisic ans ant anti antic anticity anticly antics antipyic antipyics antis antiship antislip antisyphilitic antitypic ants antsy any aphis apish apishly aplitic apt aptly apts as asci ash ashy asp aspic at atilt ats att attic attics atypic ay ayin ayins ays cain cains cal caliph caliphs calp calps can cans canst cant canthi canthitis cantily cants canty cany cap caph caphs capi caplin caplins caps cash casini cast cat catlin catlins catnip catnips cats cattily cattish cattishly catty cay cays ch cha chai chain chains chais chal chals chant chants chanty chap chaps chapt chas chastity chat chats chatti chattily chattis chatty chay chays chi chia chianti chiantis chias chili chiliast chilis chin china chinas chins chints chip chips chis chit chital chitals chitin chitins chitlin chitlins chits chitty cilia cis cisplatin cist cit cital citals cits city clan clans clanship clap claps clapt clash clasp claspt clast clat clats clay clayish clays clint clints clip clips clipt clit clits cly