Definition of Apophatic


  • of or relating to the belief that God can be known to humans only in terms of what He is not (such as `God is unknowable')
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Apophatic

  • Scrabble® score of the apophatic (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the apophatic (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the apophatic (20)

Unscramble apophatic

167 unscramble word found using the letters apophatic.

aa aah acai ach act acta ah aha ahi ai aia ait aitch aphotic apio apo apophatic app apt at atap atoc atocia atop atopic caa cap capa caph capi capita capo capot cat ch cha chai chao chap chapati chappati chapt chat chi chia chiao chip chit chop chota ciao cit cito coaita coapt coat coati coit cop copita cot coth ha hao hap happi haptic hat hi hic hip hippo hipt hit ho hoa hoc hoi hop hot ich io iota it ita itch oat oath oca och octa oh ohia oi op opah opt optic otic pa pac paca pacha paco pact pacta pah pap papa pat patch path pathic patio ph phat phatic phi pho phoca phot photic pht pi pia pic pica picot pip pipa pit pita pitch pith po poa poach poh poi pop pot potch ta tach tacho taco taha tai taihoa tao tap tapa tapioca tappa thio tho ti tic tich tip to toc top toph tophi topi topic