Definition of Archaeopteryx


  • extinct primitive toothed bird of the Jurassic period having a long feathered tail and hollow bones
    usually considered the most primitive of all birds
    - archeopteryx - archaeopteryx lithographica
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Archaeopteryx

  • Scrabble® score of the archaeopteryx (30)
  • Word Chums® score of the archaeopteryx (35)
  • Words With Friends® score of the archaeopteryx (30)

Unscramble archaeopteryx

974 unscramble word found using the letters archaeopteryx.

aa aah acater ace acer acerate aceta ach achar ache achy acre acro acroter act acta actor ae aerate aerator aero aerophyte aery aether ah aha aheap ahoy aorta aortae apace apache apart apathy apay ape aper apert apery apex apo aport apothecary apothece apt apter apteryx ar arar arc arch archaeopteryx archer archery archetype arco are area areach areae arear areca arepa arere aret arete arhat aroha arpa arrah array arrect arret art artery arty ary at atap atar ataxy ate atoc atop atopy atrophy ax axe ay ayah aye ayre caa cap capa cape caper caperer capex caph capo capot capote caprate caproate captor car carap carat carate care career carer caret carex carhop carp carper carpet carport carr carrat carrot carroty carry cart carta carte carter cartop cat cataphor catarrh cate cater caterer cay cee cep cepe cerate cere cero cerotype cert certy cete ch cha chaeta chaetae chao chap chape chapt chapter char chara chare charet charpoy charr charro charry chart charta charter chary chat chay chaya chayote che cheap cheaper cheapo cheapy cheat cheater cheatery cheep cheer cheero cheery cher chere cherry chert cherty chop chore chorea choree chota chypre coapt coat coate coatee coater