Definition of Aristophanes


  • an ancient Greek dramatist remembered for his comedies (448-380 BC)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Aristophanes

  • Scrabble® score of the aristophanes (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the aristophanes (19)
  • Words With Friends® score of the aristophanes (18)

Unscramble aristophanes

2777 unscramble word found using the letters aristophanes.

aa aah aahs aarti aartis aas ae aeon aeons aeration aerations aero aeros aerosat aerosats aesir ah aha aheap ahent ahi ahint ahis ahorse ahs ai aia aias ain aina ainas aine ains air airest airn airns airpost airposts airs airshot airshots airstop airstops airt airth airths airts ais ait aits an ana anapest anapests anaphor anaphoresis anaphors anas anastrophe anastrophes anatropies ane anear anears aneath anes anestra anestri ani anis anise anises anoa anoas anoesis anoestra anoestri anopia anopias anopsia anopsias another ans ansa ansae ansate ant anta antae antar antars antas ante antes anther anthers anthesis anthro anthros anti antiar antiars antihero antiphrases antipress antirape antirapes antis antisera antra antre antres ants antsier aorist aorists aorta aortae aortas apart apartness apathies ape aper apers apert apes apeshit aphanite aphanites aphesis aphis aphonia aphonias aphonies aphorise aphorises aphorist aphorists apian apio apios apish apnea apneas apnoea apnoeas apo aporia aporias aport apos apres apron aprons apse apses apsis apso apsos apt apter apteria aptness apts ar araise araises are area areas arena arenas arepa arepas ares aret arets arhat arhats aria arias ariose ariot aris arise arisen arises arish arishes arista aristae aristas aristo aristos arna arnas aroha arohas