Definition of Astrobiology


  • the branch of biology concerned with the effects of outer space on living organisms and the search for extraterrestrial life
    - space biology
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Unscramble astrobiology

1006 unscramble word found using the letters astrobiology.

ab ably abo aboil abort aborts abos abri abris abs absit aby abys ag agio agios agist agistor agloo agloos agly ago agorot agro agros ags ai ail ails air airs airt airts airy ais ait aits al alb albs algor algors alist alit aliyos aliyot aloo aloos als also alt alto altos alts aorist ar arb arbs argil argils argol argols argosy argot argots aril arils arioso ariot aris aristo aristology ars arsy art arti artily artis arts artsy arty ary aryl aryls as astir astrobiology astrology at ats ay ays ba bag bags bail bailor bailors bails bait baits bal baloo baloos bals balti baltis bar barolo barolos bars barstool bas basil bast basti basto bat batgirl batgirls batology bats bay bays bayt bayts bi bialy bialys bias big biga bigly bigos bigot bigotry bigots bigs bilgy bio biog biogas biogs biology bios biota biotas birl birls biro biros birsy bis bist bistro bit bito bitos bits bitsy blag blags blart blarts blast blasty blat blats blay blays blist blit blits bloat bloats blog blogs blot blots bo boa boar boars boart boarts boas boast boat boats bog bogart bogarts bogs bogy boi boil boils bois bola bolar