Definition of Autotomize


  • cause a body part to undergo autotomy
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Autotomize

  • Scrabble® score of the autotomize (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the autotomize (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the autotomize (113)

Unscramble autotomize

179 unscramble word found using the letters autotomize.

ae ai aim ait aitu am ame ami amie amu at ate atom atomize att aue auto autotomize azo azote ea eat eau em emit emo emu et eta etat etui euoi io iota it ita item ma mae maize mat mate matt matte mattie matzo matzot maut maze mazout mazut me meat meou met meta metoo meu mi miaou mite mitt miz mo moa moai moat moe moi moit moo mooi moot mot mote motet moti mott motte motto motu motza mou moue moz moze mozetta mozo mu mut mutate mute muti mutt oat oe oi om omit oo oom oot ooze otto ou ouma out outa outate outeat outta ouzo ta tae tai tait tam tame tao tat tate tatie tatou tatu tau taut te tea team teat tet ti tie time timeout tit tite tiz to toaze toe toea toit tom tomato tome tomia tomo too toom toot tot tote totem tout toutie touze toze tozie tui tum tut um ut uta ute za zati zea zeta zit zite zo zoa zoea zoo zooea zoom zoot