Definition of Bacteriochlorophyll


  • a substance in photosensitive bacteria that is related to but different from chlorophyll of higher plants
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Bacteriochlorophyll

  • Scrabble® score of the bacteriochlorophyll (36)
  • Word Chums® score of the bacteriochlorophyll (46)
  • Words With Friends® score of the bacteriochlorophyll (40)

Unscramble bacteriochlorophyll

3265 unscramble word found using the letters bacteriochlorophyll.

ab aber abet abhor abiotrophy able abler ablet ably abo aboil abore abort aborter abri aby abye accept acceptor accite accloy accoil accoy ace acer acerb acerbic acerbity acetic acetyl acetylic ach ache achier achiote achoo achy acolyte acolyth acre acro acrolect acrolith acrophobe acrophobic acroter acrotic acrylic act actor actorly acyl ae aeolotropic aeolotropy aerily aero aerobic aerobot aerolith aerophobic aerotropic aery ah ahchoo ahh ahi ahoy ai aiery ail air airer airhole airport airt airth airy ait aitch al alb albe albeit albert albicore albite alco alcohol alcoholic alcool ale alec aleph alert alertly alethic alible alit aliyot aliyoth all allel allelic alley allice allicholy allot allotrope allotropic allotropy allotype allotypic alloy ally allyl allylic aloe aloetic aloo alopecic alp alphyl alt alter altho alto aortic ape aper apert apery aphetic aphotic apio apiol aplite apo apollo aporetic aport apricot aprotic apt apter aptly apyretic ar arb arbiter arbor arboret arborio arc arch archei archer archery archetypic archi archil architype archlet archly arco arctic arctophil arctophile arctophily are areic aret ariel aril ariot arle arrect arret arroyo art artel artery arti artic article artier artillery artily arty ary aryl at ate atelic athrill athrob atoc atoll atop atopic