Definition of Barefoot


  • without shoes
    "the barefoot boy"
    "shoeless Joe Jackson"


  • without shoes on
    "he chased her barefoot across the meadow"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Barefoot

  • Scrabble® score of the barefoot (13)
  • Word Chums® score of the barefoot (14)
  • Words With Friends® score of the barefoot (14)

Unscramble barefoot

185 unscramble word found using the letters barefoot.

ab aber abet abo abore abort ae aero aerobot afoot afore afro aft after ar arb are aret arf art at ate ba baft bar bare barefoot barf bat bate be bear beat bet beta bo boa boar boart boat boater boet boo boor boot bor bora borate bore bort bot bota bote bra brae brat bro broo ea ear eat ef eft er era erf et eta fa fab fae far fare faro fart fat fate fe fear feart feat fer fet feta fetor fob foe foetor foo foobar foot footbar footer footra for fora forb fore fort forte fra frab frae frat frate fret fro froe oaf oar oat oater ob oba obe obo oboe oe of oft ofter oo oof oor oot or ora orate orb ore orf orfe ort raft rat rate rato ratoo re reb rebato reboot ref refoot reft reo ret roate rob robe robot roe roo roof root rot rota rote roto ta tab taber taboo tabor tae tao tar tare taro te tea tear tef terf to toe toea tofore too tor tora tore toro tref trefa