Definition of Barleycorn


  • a grain of barley
  • a grain of barley
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Barleycorn

  • Scrabble® score of the barleycorn (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the barleycorn (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the barleycorn (20)

Unscramble barleycorn

497 unscramble word found using the letters barleycorn.

ab aber able abler ably abo abore aborne aby abye ace acer acerb acne acorn acre acro acron acyl ae aeon aero aery al alb albe alco ale alec aloe alone an ance ancle ane anerly anole any ar arb arbor arc arco are arle ary aryl ay aye ayre ba bac bacon baconer bael bal balcony bale baler baloney ban banc banco bane bar bare barely barer barley barleycorn barn barney barny baron barony barre barrel barren barrenly barro barry barye baryon bay baye bayle be beacon beal bean beano beany bear bel belar belay belon ben beray berry beryl bey blae blaer blanco blare blarney blay blear bleary bley bloc blore bo boa boar bola bolar bole bon bona bonce bone boner boney bony bor bora boral borane bore boreal borel borer born borna borne bornyl borrel boy boyar boyla bra brace bracer bracero brae bran brane branle bray brayer bren brer brey bro bronc brr by bye bylane byre byrl cab caber cable cabler cabre cal calo calory caloyer can cane caner canoe canoer cany car carb carbo carbon carbonyl carborne carboy carby care carer carl carle carn carney carny carob carol caroler caron carr carrel carron