Definition of Beautician


  • someone who works in a beauty parlor
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Beautician

  • Scrabble® score of the beautician (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the beautician (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the beautician (18)

Unscramble beautician

243 unscramble word found using the letters beautician.

aa ab aba abac abaci abate abet abietic abuna abune abut acai ace aceta acetin acini acne act acta actin actinia actiniae acuate acute ae aecia ai aia ain aina aine ait aitu an ana ance ane anetic ani anicut ant anta antae ante anti antic anu at ate atua aua aue aune aunt auntie ba baa bac bainite bait ban banc bane bani bania bant bantu bat bate bateau be bean beat beau beaut beautician bein ben beni bent bet beta bi bice bien bin binate bine binit bint bit bite buat bucatini bun buna bunce bunia bunt but butane bute caa cab caba cabin cabinet cain can cane cant cat cate catena ceiba cent centai centu cine cit cite cub cubane cube cubit cubiti cue cuit cunei cunit cunt cut cute cutie cutin ea ean eat eau ecu eina en enact enatic eniac entia et eta etic etna etui eucain ice in incite incubate incubi incut inia inti it ita na nab nabe nae nat nautic ne neat neb net nib nice nie nit nite nu nub nubia nut ta tab tabi tabu tabun tacan tace tae taenia tai tain tan tana tane tau taube te tea tec