Definition of Bendability


  • the property of being easily bent without breaking
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Bendability

  • Scrabble® score of the bendability (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the bendability (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the bendability (22)

Unscramble bendability

533 unscramble word found using the letters bendability.

ab abb abbe abbed abbey abed abend abet abid abide ability able abled ablet ably aby abye ad adenyl adit ae ai aid aide ail ailed ain aine ait al alb albe albeit albite ale alibi alibied alien aline alined alit alt an and ane ani anil anile anility ant ante anted anti any at ate ay aye ayin ba babe babel babied baby bad bade badly bael baetyl bail bailed bailey bailie bainite bait baited bal bald baldie baldy bale baled balti ban band bandit bandy bane baned bani bant banted banty bat bate bated bay baye bayed bayle bayt bayted be bead beadily beady beal bean beany beat beaty bed bein bel belady belay belt ben bend benday bendy beni bent benty bet beta betid bey bi biali bialy bib bibe bible bid bide bident bidental bidet bidi bield bieldy bien bilby bile biled bilian bin binal binate binately bind bindable bindi bindle bine binit bint bit bitable bite blab blad blade blady blae blain bland blat blate blated blay bleat bleb bled blend blent blet bley blin blind blini bliny blit blite by byde bye bylane byline bylined byte da dab dabbity dabble dae daily daine daint