Definition of Bermudan


  • a native or inhabitant of Bermuda
    - bermudian


  • of or relating to or characteristic of Bermuda or its inhabitants
    "Bermudan beaches"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Bermudan

  • Scrabble® score of the bermudan (13)
  • Word Chums® score of the bermudan (18)
  • Words With Friends® score of the bermudan (17)

Unscramble bermudan

301 unscramble word found using the letters bermudan.

ab abed abend aber abune ad admen ae am amber ame amen amend amu an and ane anu ar arb ard ardeb are ared arm armed arum aue aune ba bad bade badmen bam ban band bander bane baned bar bard barde bare bared barm barmen barn barned baud baur be bead beam bean bear beard beau bed bedamn bedu bema bemad bemud ben bend berm bra brad brae brame bran brand brane bread bream bred bren bru brume bud buda bum bun buna bund bunde bur bura buran burd burden burn burned da dab dae dam dame damn damner dan darb dare darn daub daube dauber dauner daur de dean dear dearn deb debar debur deman demur den denar derm derma dern drab dram dream drub drum duan duar dub due dum duma dumb dumber dun dunam dune dura duramen dure durn ea ean ear earbud eard earn eau ed em embar emu en enarm end er era erm ern erub ma mabe mad made madre mae man mand mane maned manred manure manured mar mard mare maud maun maund maunder me mead mean med men menad mend menu meu mna mu mud mudra mun mura mure mured murena