Definition of Bewitchment


  • a magical spell
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Bewitchment

  • Scrabble® score of the bewitchment (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the bewitchment (31)
  • Words With Friends® score of the bewitchment (26)

Unscramble bewitchment

282 unscramble word found using the letters bewitchment.

be bee beech been beet bein ben bench bene benet beni bent benthic bet bete beth betime bewent bewet bewitch bewitchment bi bice bien bin bine bint bit bitch bitchen bite bitt bitte bitten cee cement cent centime cete ch che chem chenet chew chewet chewie chi chib chimb chime chin chine chit cine cit cite ctene cwm ech eche echt ee eech een eew eh eine em eme emetic emetin emic emit en ene enew enmew enthetic entice et etch eten eth ethe ethic ethne ethnic etic ettin ewe ewt he hebe heben hebetic hem heme hemic hemin hen henbit hence hent het hete hetmen hettie hew hewn hi hic hie him hin hint hit hitmen hm ice icemen ich in inch it itch item me mee meet meh mein meint meith men mene ment met mete meth metic mew mi mib mic mice mich miche micht mien mince mine minette mint mitch mite mitt mitten ne neb nee neem neemb net nete nett nettie new newb newbie newie newt nib nice niche nicht nie niece nim nimb nit nite nth te tec tech techie tee teem teen teeth tein teme ten tench tene tenet tent tenth tentie tet