Definition of Bimetallic


  • formed of two different metals or alloys
    especially in sheets bonded together
  • pertaining to a monetary system based on two metals
    "in a bimetallistic system both gold and silver can constitute legal tender"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Bimetallic

  • Scrabble® score of the bimetallic (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the bimetallic (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the bimetallic (21)

Unscramble bimetallic

322 unscramble word found using the letters bimetallic.

ab abet abietic able ablet ace acme acmite act ae ai ail aim ait al alb albe albeit albite albitic ale alec alembic alibi alible alit all allice alme alt am ambit amble ame amebic ami amice amici amie at ate atelic ba bac bacilli bael bail bailie bailli baillie bait bal bale ball ballet balletic balm balti baltic bam bat bate be beal beam beat becall becalm bel bell belt bema bet beta bi biali bice bile bill billet billie bima bimetal bimetallic bit bite blae blam blame blat blate bleat blet blit blite cab cable cablet caille cal call callet calltime calm cam came camel cami camlet cat cate ceiba ceil ceili cel cell cella celli celt cembali ciel cilia ciliate cill cimelia cit citable cital cite claim clam clambe clame clat cleat clem climate climb clime clit ea eat eclat el elicit ell elm elt em email embail emball emblic emic emit et eta etic iamb iambi iambic ice iceball ictal ilea ileac ileal ilia iliac ilial ill illite imitable it ita italic item la lab label labile lac lace lacet laic lam lamb lambie lame lat late lati lea leal leam leat lect lei let li