Definition of Bioelectricity


  • electric phenomena in animals or plants
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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  • Word Chums® score of the bioelectricity (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the bioelectricity (26)

Unscramble bioelectricity

596 unscramble word found using the letters bioelectricity.

be bee beer beerily beery beet bel belie belier belt belter bere beret berley beryl bet bete betel betitle betoil better bettor betty bey beylic bi biccy bice bicycle bicycler bier bile bio biocycle bioelectric bioelectricity biolytic biotic biotite biotitic birl birle biro bit bite biter bito bitt bitte bitter bitterly bittie bittier bittily bittor bitty blee blert blet bley blit blite blitter bloc blore blot blotter blottier blotty bo bocce bocci boccie boet boi boil boiler boilery boite bole bolete boleti bolt bolter bor bore boree borel boric bort borty bot bote botel bott botte bottle bottler botty boy bree brei brettice brey bricole brie brio briolette brit britt brittle brittly bro broil by bye byre byrl byte cecity cee ceil ceiler ceili cel celeb celebrity celerity celery celt ceorl cerci cere ceric cerite cero cerotic cert certie certy cete cetyl cibol cicely cicero cicoree ciel cilice circle circlet cire cirl cit cite citer cito citole citric city cleric clericity clit clitic clitoric clitter clot clote clotter clottier clotty cloy cloye cly cob coble cobric coctile coerce coercible coercibly coerect coil coiler coir coit col colby cole coletit coley colibri colic colitic colt colter coly cor corbe corbeil corbel