Definition of Bitterroot


  • showy succulent ground-hugging plant of Rocky Mountains regions having deep to pale pink flowers and fleshy farinaceous roots
    the Montana state flower
    - lewisia rediviva
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Bitterroot

  • Scrabble® score of the bitterroot (12)
  • Word Chums® score of the bitterroot (13)
  • Words With Friends® score of the bitterroot (13)

Unscramble bitterroot

160 unscramble word found using the letters bitterroot.

be bet bettor bi bier bio biro birr bit bite biter bito bitt bitte bitter bitterroot bittor bo boet boi boite boo boor boot bootie bor bore borer bort bortier bot bote bott botte brei brer brie brier brio brit britt bro broo brr er err et io ire it ob obe obi obit obiter obo oboe oe oi oo oobit oor oorie oorier oot or orb orbier orbit orbiter ore ort otter otto re reb rebit reboot rei reo ret retort retro rib riot rioter rit rite ritt ritter rob robe rober robot roe roo root rooter rootier rore rorie rort rot rote roti roto rotor rotte rotter te terr territ tet tetri ti tie tier tire tiro tirr tit tite titer titre titter to toe toit too toorie toot tooter tor tore torero tori toro torot torr torret tort torte tortie tot tote toter totter tottie tottier tret tribe trie trier trio trior trite triter trot trotter trottoir