Definition of Bladderwort


  • any of numerous aquatic carnivorous plants of the genus Utricularia some of whose leaves are modified as small urn-shaped bladders that trap minute aquatic animals
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Bladderwort

  • Scrabble® score of the bladderwort (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the bladderwort (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the bladderwort (20)

Unscramble bladderwort

728 unscramble word found using the letters bladderwort.

ab abed aber abet able abled abler ablet ablow abo abode aboded abord aborded abore abort aborted aborter ad adbot add adder adderwort addle ado adobe adore adored adorer adred ae aero al alb albe albedo albert alder ale alert alew alod aloe aloed alow alowe alt alter alto ar arb arbor arbored arboret ard ardeb ardor are ared aredd aret arew arle arled arow arret arrow arrowed art artel at ate aw awdl awe awed aweto awl awol ba bad badder bade bael bal bald balded balder bale baled baler bar bard barde barded bardo bare bared barer barlow barre barred barrel barret barro barrow barter bat bate bated batler bawd bawl bawled bawler bawr be bead beal bear beard beat bed bedad bedral bedward bel belar below belt bet beta betrod blad bladder bladderwort blade bladed blader blae blaer blare blared blart blarted blat blate blated blater blaw blawed blawort blear bleat bled blert blet blew blewart bloat bloated bloater blore blot blow blowdart blowed blower bo boa boar board boarded boarder boart boat boated boatel boater bod boddle bode boded bodle boet bola bolar bold bolded bolder bole bolt bolted bolter bor bora boral borate borated bord