Definition of Brevicipitidae


  • narrow-mouthed toads and sheep frogs
    some burrow and some are arboreal
    found worldwide
    - microhylidae - family microhylidae - family brevicipitidae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Brevicipitidae

  • Scrabble® score of the brevicipitidae (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the brevicipitidae (31)
  • Words With Friends® score of the brevicipitidae (28)

Unscramble brevicipitidae

914 unscramble word found using the letters brevicipitidae.

ab abcee abed aber abet abid abide abider abietic abri ace aced acer acerb acid acider acidier acre acred acrid act acted active ad adept adepter adipic adit advect adverb advert advice ae aerie aeried ai aid aide aider air aired airt airted ait aiver ape aped aper aperitive apert apiece apt apted apter ar arb arc arced arctiid ard ardeb are ared arede areic aret arete arid art arti artic arvee at ate atrip ave aver avert averted avid avider ba bac bad bade bait baited baiter bap bar bard barde bardic bardie bare bared baric barite barp bat bate bated be bead beader beadier bear beard beardie beare beared beat beater beatier beaver becap becarpet bed bede bediaper bedrape bedrite bee beedi beep beer beet bepat bepitied berate berated bere beret bet beta bete beted betid betide betread bever bi bice bicep bid bide bider bidet bidi bier biparted biped bird birdie bit bite biter bivia bra brace braced bract bracted brad brae braid braide brap brat brave braved bravi bread bred brede bredie bree breed brei breid breve brevet breviate bride bridie brie brit cab caber cabre cabrie cabrit cad cade cadee cadet cadi cadie cadre caid