Definition of Butcherbird


  • large carnivorous Australian bird with the shrike-like habit of impaling prey on thorns
  • shrikes that impale their prey on thorns
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Butcherbird

  • Scrabble® score of the butcherbird (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the butcherbird (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the butcherbird (24)

Unscramble butcherbird

412 unscramble word found using the letters butcherbird.

be bed bedu berth bet beth betid bhut bi bib bibe bice bid bide bider bidet bier birch birched bird birder birr birred birth birthed birther bit bitch bitched bite biter biuret bred brei breid brer bribe bribed briber bricht brichter bride brie brier brit brith brr bru bruchid brucite bruit bruited bruiter brut brute bruted bruter bub bud budi buhr bur burb burd burdie buret buried burier burr burred but butch butcher butcherbird bute cebid cedi cert ch che cher chert cherub chi chib chibbed chid chide chider chirr chirre chirred chirt chirted chiru chit chub chubbier chur churr churred chut chute chuted cid cide cider cire cit cite cited citer cither cred credit crib cribbed cribber cried crier crit crith cru crud crude cruder crudier crue cruet cub cubbed cubbier cube cubeb cubed cuber cubit cud cue cued cuit cuiter cur curb curbed curber curd curdier cure cured curer curet curie curiet curite curr curred currie curried curt curter cut cute cuter cutie de deb debit debt debur deburr debut dei derib derth dhurrie dhuti di dib dibber dice dicer dich dicht dict die dieb diet dire direct direr dirt dit ditch ditcher dite dither dreich drib dribber