Definition of Callithrix


  • type genus of the Callithricidae: true marmosets
    - genus callithrix
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Callithrix

  • Scrabble® score of the callithrix (22)
  • Word Chums® score of the callithrix (29)
  • Words With Friends® score of the callithrix (24)

Unscramble callithrix

181 unscramble word found using the letters callithrix.

ach act ah ahi ai ail air airt airth ait aitch al alit all alt ar arc arch archi archil aril arilli art arti artic at athrill ax axil cal calix call calx car carl cart cat ch cha chai chair chal char chart chat chi chia chili chill chillax chilli chiral chirl chirt chit chital cilia cill cirl cit cital citral clart clat clit clithral cria crit crith ha hail hair hall halt harl hart hat hi hic hila hilar hili hill hilt hit iatric ich ictal ilia iliac ilial ill illth it ita italic itch ixia la lac lah laic laich lair laith lar larch lari lat latch lath lathi lati lax li liar liart lich lichi licht licit lilac lilt lira liri lit litai litchi lith lithia lithic rach rah rai rail rait rat ratch rath rax ria rial rich richt rictal rill rit ta tach tahr tai tail talc tali tall tar tax taxi thali thalli thallic thar thill thir thirl thrall thrill ti tiar tic tical tich til till tirl tix trail triac trial trill xi