Definition of Candlelight


  • the light provided by a burning candle
    - candle flame
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Candlelight

  • Scrabble® score of the candlelight (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the candlelight (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the candlelight (22)

Unscramble candlelight

911 unscramble word found using the letters candlelight.

ace aced acetin ach ache ached aching acid acing acne acned act acted actin acting ad adit ae ag age aged agen agent agile agin aglet ah ahed ahent ahi ahind ahing ahint ai aid aide aight aiglet ail ailed ain aine ait aitch al alcid ale alec alength alethic algetic algid algin alien alight alighted align aligned aline alined alit all allice allied allnight alt an ance ancile ancle and ane anelli anetic angel angelic angle angled anglice ani anigh anight anil anile ant ante anted anthill anti antic at ate atelic atheling atingle cad cade cadent cadet cadge cadi cadie cag cage caged caid caille cain cal calid call called callet callid calling can candie candle candlelight candlelit cane caned caneh cang cangle cangled canid cant canted canthi cantle cantled cat cate catlin catling cedi cedilla ceding ceil cel cell cella celli celling celt cent centai cental ch cha chad chai chain chaine chained chainlet chal chalet challie chang change changed chant chanted chantie chat chatline che cheat cheating chela chelating chi chia chid chide chiel chield child childe chile chill chilled chin china chine chined ching chit chital cid cide ciel cig cill cine cit citadel cital