Definition of Carpet-bomb


  • bomb a large area systematically and extensively
    "The U.S. decided to carpet bomb Vietnam"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Carpet_bomb

  • Scrabble® score of the carpet_bomb (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the carpet_bomb (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the carpet_bomb (25)

Unscramble carpet_bomb

466 unscramble word found using the letters carpet_bomb.

ab abb abbe abbot aber abet abo abore abort ace acer acerb acme acre acro act actor ae aero am amber ambo ame amorce amoret amort amp ape aper apert apo aport apt apter ar arb arc arco are aret arm armet art at ate atoc atom atop ba babe bac bam bampot bap bar barb barbe barbet barbot bare barm barmpot barp bat bate be beam bear beat bebop becap bema bepat berm berob bet beta bo boa boab boar boart boat boater bob boba bobac bobcat boep boet boma bomb bombe bomber bop bor bora borate bore borm bort bot bota bote bra brace bract brae brame brap brat bream bro bromate brome cab caber cabob cabre cam camber came cameo camo camote camp camper campo cap cape caper capo capot capote captor car carb carbo care caret carob carom carp carpet cart carte cartop cat cate cater cembra cep cero cert coapt coarb coat coate coater cob cobb cobber cobra coempt coma comae comarb comart comate comb combat combater combe comber come comer comet comp compare compart compear comper compt compter comte cop cope coper copra copter cor coram corbe core corm cot cote crab cram crambe