Definition of Cashmere


  • an area in southwestern Asia whose sovereignty is disputed between Pakistan and India
    - jammu and kashmir
  • the wool of the Kashmir goat
  • a soft fabric made from the wool of the Cashmere goat
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cashmere

  • Scrabble® score of the cashmere (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the cashmere (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cashmere (16)

Unscramble cashmere

321 unscramble word found using the letters cashmere.

ace acer acers aces ach ache aches acme acmes acre acres ae aesc ah ahem ahs am ame ameer ameers amerce amerces ames ar arc arch arches arcs are ares arm arms ars arse as ash caese cam came cames camese cams car care careme caremes cares cars carse case cash cashmere ceas cease cee cees cere ceres ch cha cham chams char chare chares charm charms chars chas chase chaser chasm che cheer cheers chem chems cher chere cherem cherems cram crame crames crams crash cream creams crease cree crees creesh crem creme cremes crems ea each ear ears eas ease easer ech eche eches ee eech eh ehs em emacs eme emes ems er era eras erase ere eres erm ers es escar eschar ha hae haem haems haeres haes ham hame hames hams hare hareem hareems harem harems hares harm harms has he heame hear heare heares hears hearse hem heme hemes hems her here herem herems heres herm herma hermae herms hers herse hes hm ma mac mace macer macers maces mach mache macher machers maches machree machrees machs macs mae maes mahseer mar marc march marches marchese marcs mare mares mars marse marsh mas mase