Definition of Celebrant


  • an officiating priest celebrating the Eucharist
  • a person who is celebrating
    - celebrater
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Celebrant

  • Scrabble® score of the celebrant (13)
  • Word Chums® score of the celebrant (19)
  • Words With Friends® score of the celebrant (17)

Unscramble celebrant

395 unscramble word found using the letters celebrant.

ab abcee abele aber abet able abler ablet ace acer acerb acne acre act ae al alb albe albee albert ale alec alee alerce alert alt alter altern alterne an ance ancle ane anele ant ante antler antre ar arb arc are arene aret arete arle art artel at ate ba bac bael bal bale baleen baler ban banc bane bant banter bar bare barn barnet bat bate batler be beal bean bear beare beat beaten beater bee been beer beet bel belace belar belate belt belter ben bene benet bent berate bere beret bet beta bete betel blae blaer blare blart blat blate blater blear bleat bleater blee blent blert blet bra brace bracelet bract brae bran brane branle brant brantle brat bree bren brent cab caber cabernet cable cabler cablet cabre cal can cane caner cant canter cantle car carb carbeen carbene care careen caret carl carle carn carnet cart carte cartel cat cate cater cee cel celeb celebrant celt cent cental centare center centra central centre cerate cere cereal cerne cert cetane cete clan claret clart clat clean cleaner clear cleat crab cran crane crate creant create cree creel crena crenate crenel ctene ea eale ean ear