Definition of Cellophane


  • a transparent paperlike product that is impervious to moisture and used to wrap candy or cigarettes etc.
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cellophane

  • Scrabble® score of the cellophane (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the cellophane (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cellophane (21)

Unscramble cellophane

322 unscramble word found using the letters cellophane.

ace ach ache achene acne ae aeon ah al alco ale alec alee aleph all allee aloe alone alp alpeen an ance ancho ancle ane anele anole ape apo cal call callee callop calo calp can cane caneh canoe cap cape caph caple capo capon cee cel cell cella cellae cello cellophane cellphone cep cepe ch cha chal chalone chao chap chape chapel che cheap cheapen cheapo cheep chela chelae chelone chelp chola cholla chon chop clan clap clean cleep clepe clon clonal clone clop coal cohen col cola cole coll colleen con cone cop copal cope copen ea each eale ean ech eche echelon echo eco ee eech eel een eh el elan elance elench ell elope en ene enhalo enlace enol eoan eon epha epoch epocha epochal ha hae haen hale hall hallo halo halon han hance hao haole hap he heal heap heel hele hell hello helo help hen hence hep ho hoa hoc hoe hole holla holp holpen hon hone hop hope la lac lace lah lance lanch lane lap lapel lea leach leal lean leap lech lee leech leep leno leone lep llano lo loach loan loanee loca local locale loch lochan lohan lone lop