Definition of Ceratophyllaceae


  • coextensive with the genus Ceratophyllum: hornworts
    - family ceratophyllaceae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Ceratophyllaceae

  • Scrabble® score of the ceratophyllaceae (28)
  • Word Chums® score of the ceratophyllaceae (36)
  • Words With Friends® score of the ceratophyllaceae (31)

Unscramble ceratophyllaceae

1650 unscramble word found using the letters ceratophyllaceae.

aa aah aal acaleph acalephae acalephe acater acca accelerate accept acceptee accepter acceptor accloy accoy accra accrete ace acer acerate acerola aceta acetal acetyl ach achar acharya ache achy acolyte acolyth acre acro acrocephaly acrolect acropetal acropetally acrylate act acta actor actorly acyl acylate ae aerate aero aerophyte aery aether aethereal aethereally ah aha aheap ahoy al ala alaap alachlor alae alap alapa alar alary alate alay alchera alco ale aleatory alec alee aleph alerce alert alertly aleye all allay allayer allee alley alleycat allocarpy allocate allopath allopathy allopatry allot allotype alloy ally aloe aloha alp alpaca alpacca alpha alphyl alt altar alter althaea althea altho alto aorta aortae aortal apace apache apart apathy apay ape aper apert apery apetaly apholate apo aport apothecary apothece apt apter apteral aptly ar arc arch archaea archaeal archetypal archetype archlet archly arco are area areach areae areal areally areca areola areolae areolate areole arepa aret arete arhat arle aroha arolla arpa art artal artel arty ary aryl at atap atar ate atoc atoll atop atopy atrophy ay ayah ayatollah aye ayelp ayre caa caca cacao cachalot cache cachepot cachet cacoepy cacolet caeca caecal caecally cal calathea calcar calcarate calceate calceolate calcrete caleche call