Definition of Cercopithecus


  • type genus of the Cercopithecidae: guenons
    - genus cercopithecus
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cercopithecus

  • Scrabble® score of the cercopithecus (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the cercopithecus (35)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cercopithecus (28)

Unscramble cercopithecus

1654 unscramble word found using the letters cercopithecus.

cee cees cep cepe cepes ceps cerci cercis cercus cere cereous ceres cereus ceric ceriph ceriphs cerise cerite cerites cero ceros cerotic cerous cert certes certie certs ceruse cerusite cesti cestoi cestui cesure cete cetes ch che cheep cheeps cheer cheerio cheerios cheero cheeros cheers cher chere chert cherts cherup cherups chest chestier chi chic chicer chicest chico chicos chicot chicots chics chip chips chipset chiro chiros chirp chirps chirt chirts chiru chirus chis chit chits choc choccier choccies chocciest chocs choice choicer choices choicest choir choirs chop chops chore choree chorees choreic chores choreus choric chorist chorus chose chou chouse chouser chout chouts chupot chur chuse chut chute chutes chuts cicero ciceros cicoree cicorees cipher ciphers circs circus cire cires cis cisco cist cit cite citer citers cites cither cithers cito citreous citrous citrus cits cocci coccis coccus coch coches coerce coerces coerect coerects coesite coheir coheirs cohere coheres coir coirs coit coits coitus cop cope coper copers copes copesetic copier copiers copies copihue copihues cops copse copsier copter copters cor core cores cories corps corpse corpus cors corse corset corsite cortices cos coscript cose cosec cosech coset cosh cosher cosie cosier cost coste coster cot cote coterie coteries