Definition of Charlotte


  • a mold lined with cake or crumbs and filled with fruit or whipped cream or custard
  • the largest city in North Carolina
    located in south central North Carolina
    - queen city
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Charlotte

  • Scrabble® score of the charlotte (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the charlotte (18)
  • Words With Friends® score of the charlotte (15)

Unscramble charlotte

434 unscramble word found using the letters charlotte.

ace acer ach ache acre acro act actor ae aero ah al alco ale alec alert aloe alt alter altho alto ar arc arch archlet arco are aret arett arle art artel at ate atoc att cal calo calotte car care caret carl carle carlot carol cart carte cartel cat cate cater cathole cattle cel celt ceorl cero cert ch cha chal chalet chalot chao char chare charet charlotte chart chat chattel chatter che cheat chela chelator cher chert chlorate chola cholate choler cholera choral chorale chore chorea choreal chortle chota chott claret claro clart clat clatter clear cleat clot clote cloth clothe clotter coal coaler coat coate coater col cola cole colt colter cor coral core cot cote coth cott cotta cottae cottar cotter crate crotal crotale crottle ea each ear earl earth eat eath ech echo echt eclat eco eh el elt eorl er era et eta etat etch eth ethal ha hae haet hale haler halo halt halter hao haole hare harl harlot haro hart hat hate hater hatter he heal hear heart heat hector helo helot her herl hero het ho hoa hoar hoc hoe hoer hole holt hora horal hore hot hote hotel hotter la