Definition of Chemotherapy


  • the use of chemical agents to treat or control disease (or mental illness)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Chemotherapy

  • Scrabble® score of the chemotherapy (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the chemotherapy (32)
  • Words With Friends® score of the chemotherapy (27)

Unscramble chemotherapy

1015 unscramble word found using the letters chemotherapy.

ace acer ach ache achy acme acre acro act actor ae aero aerophyte aery aether ah ahem ahh ahoy am ame ameer amerce amorce amoret amort amp ampere ape aper apert apery apo aport apothece apothem apt apter ar arc arch archetype arco are aret arete arm armet army art arty ary at ate atoc atom atomy atop atopy atrophy ay aye ayre cam came cameo camo camote camp camper campery camphor campo camporee campy cap cape caper caph capo capot capote captor car care careme caret carhop carom carp carpet cart carte cartop cat cate cater cay cee cep cepe cerate cere cermet cero cerotype cert certy cete ch cha cham champ champer champerty champy chao chap chape chapt chapter char chare charet charm charpoy chart chary chat chay chayote che cheap cheaper cheapo cheapy cheat cheater cheatery cheep cheer cheero cheery cheetah chem chemo chemotherapy cher chere cherem chert cherty chetah cheth chomp chomper chop chore chorea choree chota chroma chromate chromatype chrome chromy chyme chypre coapt coat coate coatee coater coempt cohere coma comae comart comate come comer comet cometary cometh comether comp compare compart compear compeer comper compere compete compt compter comte cop copay cope copemate