Definition of Chittamwood


  • shrubby tree of southern United States having large plumes of feathery flowers resembling puffs of smoke
    - american smokewood - cotinus americanus - cotinus obovatus
  • deciduous tree of southeastern United States and Mexico
    - false buckthorn - chittimwood - black haw - bumelia lanuginosa
  • shrubby tree of the Pacific coast of the United States
    yields cascara sagrada
    - cascara buckthorn - chittimwood - rhamnus purshianus
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Chittamwood

  • Scrabble® score of the chittamwood (22)
  • Word Chums® score of the chittamwood (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the chittamwood (23)

Unscramble chittamwood

333 unscramble word found using the letters chittamwood.

ach achoo acid act ad adit admit ado ah ahi ai aid aim ait aitch am ami amid amido amowt at atoc atom atomic att attic aw cad cadi cahoot cahow caid cam cami camo camoodi camwood cat cathood caw ch cha chad chado chai cham chao chat chatti chaw chi chia chiao chid chimo chit choom chota chott chow ciao cid cit cito coadmit coat coati cod coda coho coit coma coo coom coot cot coth cott cotta cottid cottoid cow cwm da dacoit dah dam dato datto daw dawt dhooti dhoti dhow di diact diatom dich dicht dicot dict dicta dim diota dit dita ditch ditt ditto do doat doc docht doco doh doit dom domic domoic doo doom doomwatch dot dotcom doth dow dowt dwam ha had ham hao hat haw hawm hi hic hid him hit hm ho hoa hoc hod hoi hom homa homo hoo hood hoodia hoot hot how ich id io iota it ita itch ma mac mach machi macho mad maid mat match matchwood math matico matt mattoid maw mho mi miaow mic mica mich micht mico mid midwatch miha mitch mitt mo moa moai moat moc moch mocha mochi mod modi