Definition of Cholelithiasis


  • the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cholelithiasis

  • Scrabble® score of the cholelithiasis (22)
  • Word Chums® score of the cholelithiasis (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cholelithiasis (23)

Unscramble cholelithiasis

1438 unscramble word found using the letters cholelithiasis.

ace aces ach ache aches achiest achiote achiotes act acts ae aesc ah ahh ahhs ahi ahis ahs ai ail ails aioli aiolis ais aisle aisles ait aitch aitches aits al alco alcos ale alec alecost alecosts alecs ales alethic alist alit all allice allices allies allis allises allot allots alls aloe aloes aloetic aloetics als also alt altho alto altos alts as asci ascites ascot ascots ash ashes ashet ashets ashiest aslosh ass asset asshole assoil assot astelic at ate atelic ates atoc atocs atoll atolls ats caille cailles cal call callet callets callose calloses callosities calls calo calos case cases cash cashes cassie cast caste castes castle castles casts cat cate cates cathole catholes cats ceas ceil ceili ceilis ceils cel cell cella celli cellist cellists cello cellos cells celosia celosias cels celt celts cess cesta cestas cesti cestoi cestos ch cha chai chais chaise chaises chal chaleh chalehs chalet chalets challie challies challis challises challot challoth chalot chaloth chals chao chaos chaoses chas chase chases chasse chaste chastise chat chats che cheat cheats cheilitis chela chelas chesil chesils chess chest chests chetah chetahs cheth cheths chi chia chiao chias chiel chiels chile chiles chili chiliast chiliasts chilies