Definition of Christendom


  • the collective body of Christians throughout the world and history (found predominantly in Europe and the Americas and Australia)
    "for a thousand years the Roman Catholic Church was the principal church of Christendom"
    - christianity
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Christendom

  • Scrabble® score of the christendom (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the christendom (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the christendom (21)

Unscramble christendom

1938 unscramble word found using the letters christendom.

cedi cedis cens censor cent centimo centimos cento centos centrism centroid centroids cents cero ceros cert certs cesti cestoi cestoid ch che chem chemist chemo chemos chems cher chert cherts chest chi chid chide chider chiders chides chime chimed chimer chimers chimes chimo chin chine chined chines chino chinos chins chinse chinsed chints chirm chirmed chirms chiro chiros chirt chirted chirts chis chit chiton chitons chits chode choir choired choirmen choirs chon chondre chondres chondri chondrite chondrites chons chord chords chore chored chores chorine chorines chorism chorist chorten chortens chose chosen chrism chrismon chrisom christen christom chrome chromed chromes chromide chromides chromiest chromise chromised chromite chromites cid cide cider ciders cides cids cinder cinders cine cines cion cions cire cires cis cist cisted cistern cistron cit cite cited citer citers cites cither cithern citherns cithers cithren cithrens cito citron citrons cits cnemis cod code codein codeins coden codens coder coders codes codist cods coed coedit coedits coeds coheir coheirs cohen cohens coin coined coiner coiners coins cointer cointers coir coirs coit coits come comedist comer comers comes comet cometh comets comites coms comte comtes con cond conder conders condie condies cone coned cones coni conies cons consider conster conte contes