Definition of Christianize


  • convert to Christianity
    "missionaries have tried to Christianize native people all over the world"
  • adapt in the name of Christianity
    "some people want to Christianize ancient pagan sites"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Christianize

  • Scrabble® score of the christianize (26)
  • Word Chums® score of the christianize (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the christianize (117)

Unscramble christianize

1254 unscramble word found using the letters christianize.

ace acer acers aces acetin acetins ach ache aches achier achiest acini acne acnes acre acres act actin actins acts ae aesc aesir ah ahent ahi ahint ahis ahs ai ain aine ains air airest airiest airn airns airs airt airth airths airts ais ait aitch aitches aits an ance ane anes anestri anetic ani anis anise anisic ans ant ante antes anther anthers anti antic anticise anticize anticizes antics antis antre antres ants antsier ar arc arch archei arches archest archi archine archines arcs arcsin arcsine are areic arenitic ares aret arets aris arise arisen arish ars arse arsenic arshin arshine arsine art arti artic artics arties artis arts artsie as ascent asci ash ashen ashet ashier ashine aster astern asthenic astir at ate ates atresic ats azine azines cahier cahiers cain cains cairn cairniest cairns can cane caneh canehs caner caners canes canier caniest canister canities cans canst cant canter canters canthi cantier cants car care cares caret carets caries carn carnet carnets carnie carnies carniest carns cars carse cart carte cartes carts case casein casern cash cashier casini cast caste caster cat cate cater caters cates cats caz cazh ceas cens cent centai centas centra cents cerasin