Definition of Cleistothecium


  • closed spore-bearing structure of some fungi (especially Aspergillaceae and Erysiphaceae) from which spores are released only by decay or disintegration
    - cleistocarp
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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  • Words With Friends® score of the cleistothecium (27)

Unscramble cleistothecium

1477 unscramble word found using the letters cleistothecium.

cecils cecities cecitis cecum cee cees ceil ceili ceilis ceils cel celom celomic celoms cels celt celts cesium cesti cestoi cestui cete cetes ch che chem chemic chemics chemise chemist chemo chemos chems chesil chest chi chic chicest chicle chicles chico chicos chicot chicots chics chiel chiels chile chiles chili chilies chilis chime chimes chimo chis chisel chit chits chitties choc chocs choice choices choicest choil choils choli cholic cholis chose chott chotts chou chouette chouettes chouse chout chouts chum chums chuse chut chute chutes chutist chuts cicelies ciel ciels cilice cilices cilium cimices cimolite cimolites cis cisco cist cistic cit cite cites cities cito citole citoles cits cleche clem clems cleome cleomes cleuch cleuchs cliche cliches clies clime climes clit clitic clitics clits cloche cloches close closet clot clote clotes cloth clothe clothes cloths clots clottish clou clous clout clouts clue clues cluiest clutch clutches clutchiest coch coches coctile coesite coil coils coit coits coitus col cole coles coletit coletitmice coletits coleus colic colics colies coliseum colitic colitis cols colt coltish colts come comeliest comes comet cometh cometic comets comic comice comices comics comites comities coms comte comtes comus cos cose cosec cosech coset cosh cosie cosmetic cosmic cost