Definition of Commutable


  • capable of being exchanged for another or for something else that is equivalent
  • subject to alteration or change
    "the death sentence was commutable to life imprisonment"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Commutable

  • Scrabble® score of the commutable (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the commutable (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the commutable (24)

Unscramble commutable

388 unscramble word found using the letters commutable.

ab abet able ablet abo about abut ace acetum acme act acute ae al alb albe album alco ale alec alme almuce aloe alt alto alu alum am amble ambo ame ammo amole amu amulet at ate atoc atom aue auto ba bac bael bal bale balm balu bam bat bate be beal beam beat beau beaut becalm bel belt bema bemaul bet beta blae blam blame blat blate bleat blet bloat bloc blot blue bluecoat bluet blume bo boa boat boatel boet bola bole bolt boma bot bota bote botel boucle boule boult bout buat bum bumalo bummalo bummel bummle but bute buteo butle cab cable cablet cal calm calo calumet cam came camel camelot cameo camlet camo camote cat cate caul caulome caum cautel cel celom celt cembalo clam clambe clame clat claut cleat clem cloam clomb clot clote clou clout club clubmate clue coal coat coate cob cobalt coble col cola cole colt columbate coma comae comal comate comb combat combe comble come comet comm comma commutable commute comte cot cote coteau couta cub cube cue culet culm cult cum cut cute ea eat eau eclat eco ecu el elm elt em embalm emma emo emu et