Definition of Cordon-bleu


  • an honor or award gained for excellence
    - blue ribbon
  • a chef famous for his great skill
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cordon_bleu

  • Scrabble® score of the cordon_bleu (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the cordon_bleu (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cordon_bleu (20)

Unscramble cordon_bleu

530 unscramble word found using the letters cordon_bleu.

be becloud becurl bed bedu bel belon ben bend bled blend bloc blond blonde blonder blood blore blude blue blued bluer blunder blur bo bod bode bodle bold bolden bolder bole bolero bolo bon bonce bond bonder bonduc bone boned boner boo boodle boodler booed bool booled boon booner boor boord boorde bor bord borde bordel bore bored borel born borne borneol boron boucle boulder boule boun bounce bounced bouncer bound bounder bouned bourd bourdon bourn bourne bred bren bro brod bronc bronco brond broo brood brool bru brule bud budo bun bunce bunced bunco buncoed bund bunde bundle bundler bur burd burden burl burled burn burned buroo cel ceorl cero ceroon clod clon clone cloned cloner clou cloud clour cloured club clue clued cob coble cod code coden coder codon coed col cold colder cole coled colon colone color colored colour coloured colure con cond conder condo condole condoler condor cone coned conure coo cooed cooer cool cooled cooler coon cor corbe corbel cord cordon core cored corn corned cornel corno cornu coronel coude could cour courb courbed courd coure coured cred credo cron crone croodle crool crooled croon crooned cru crud crude crudo crue cruel crunode cub cube