Definition of Corroboratory


  • serving to support or corroborate
    "collateral evidence"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Corroboratory

  • Scrabble® score of the corroboratory (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the corroboratory (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the corroboratory (21)

Unscramble corroboratory

173 unscramble word found using the letters corroboratory.

ab abo abort aby acro act actor ar arb arbor arc arco arroyo art arty ary at atoc ay ba bac bar barro barry bat bay bayt bo boa boar boart boat boo booay boocoo boor boot booty bor bora bort borty bot bota boy boyar boyo bra bract brat bray bro broo brr brrr by cab car carb carbo carboy carby carob carr carrot carroty carry cart cat cay coarb coat cob cobra coo coot cor corby corroborator corroboratory cory cot coy crab cray cry oar oary oat oaty ob oba obo oca octa oo oor oot or ora oracy orator oratory orb orby orc orca orra ort otary oy racy rat rato ratoo ray roar roary rob robot robotry roc roo root rooty rort rorty rory rot rota rotary roto rotor rya rybat ryot ta tab taboo tabor taco tao tar tarboy taro taroc tarry tay to toby toc toco too tor tora torc toro torr tory toy toyo tray trocar troy try tyro ya yar yarco yarr yarto yo yob