Definition of Corticoafferent


  • of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the cerebral cortex
    - corticipetal
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Corticoafferent

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  • Word Chums® score of the corticoafferent (32)
  • Words With Friends® score of the corticoafferent (28)

Unscramble corticoafferent

1357 unscramble word found using the letters corticoafferent.

accent accentor accite accrete accretion ace acentric acer acetic acetin acetone acetonic acne aconite acorn acre acro acron acronic acroter acroterion acrotic act actin action actioner acton actor ae aeon aeonic aerie aerier aero aerotone aff affect affecter affection affeer afferent affine afforce affret affront affronte affrontee afire afoot afore afreet afrit afro afront aft after ai ain aine ainee air aircon airer airn airt ait an ance ane anetic ani anoetic anorectic anoretic ant ante anterior anti antic antre aortic ar arc arco arctic are areic arene arenite areocentric arere aret arete arett arf ariette ariot arnotto aroint arrect arret art arti artic artier at ate atoc atone atoner atonic atretic att attic attire attonce attone attorn cacoon cacti caf cafe caff caffein caffeine cain cairn can cancer cane caner canier canoe canoer cant canter cantic cantico cantier canto cantor cantref car care careen career carer caret cariere carn carnet carnie carnier carnotite caron carotene carotin carr carrect carrion carron carrot carrotin cart carte carter carton cartoon cartoonier cat catcon cate cater caterer cation cattie cattier ceca cee cenote cent centai centare center centiare cento centra centre centric cerate ceratin cerci cere ceria ceric cerite cerne cero ceroon cerotic