Definition of Countercharge


  • a retaliatory charge
  • a charge brought by an accused person against the accuser
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Countercharge

  • Scrabble® score of the countercharge (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the countercharge (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the countercharge (25)

Unscramble countercharge

1335 unscramble word found using the letters countercharge.

accent accentor account accourt accouter accoutre accrete accrue ace acer acetone ach ache achene acne acorn acre acro acrogen acron acroter act acton actor acture acute acuter ae aeon aero aerugo aether ag age agee agen agene agent ager ago agon agone agree agro ague agunot agunoth ah ahent an ance ancho anchor anchoret ane anger another anough ant ante anther anthro antre anu ar arc arch archer archon arco are areg arene arere aret arete argent argh argon argot argue arguer argute arnut arrect arret art aruhe at ate atoc atone atoner aue auger augh aught aune aunt aunter author auto cache cachet cachou cag cage cager cagot cahoun can cancer cane caneh caner cang cangue canoe canoer cant canter canto cantor car care careen career carer caret cargo carn carnet caroch caroche caron carotene carr carrect carroch carron carrot cart carte carter carton cartouch cartouche cat catch catchen catcher catcon cate catechu cater caterer caught cauter ceca cee cenote cent centage centare centaur center cento centra centre centu cerate cere cerge cerne cero cert cetane cete ceterach ch cha chace chaco chance chancer chancre chang change changer chant chanter chantor chao char chare charet charge charger charneco charr