Definition of Counterintelligence


  • intelligence activities concerned with identifying and counteracting the threat to security posed by hostile intelligence organizations or by individuals engaged in espionage or sabotage or subversion or terrorism
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Counterintelligence

  • Scrabble® score of the counterintelligence (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the counterintelligence (37)
  • Words With Friends® score of the counterintelligence (33)

Unscramble counterintelligence

2072 unscramble word found using the letters counterintelligence.

cee ceil ceiler ceili ceiling ceinture cel cell celli celling cello celt cenogenetic cenote cent centenier center centering centerline centile centiliter centilitre centillion centinel centinell centner cento centonel centonell centre centreing centreline centric centring centriole centu centurion ceorl cerci cere cerge ceric cering cerite cerne cerning cero cerotic cert certie cerule cerulein cete cicero cicerone ciceroneing ciceroni cicoree cicutine ciel cieling cierge cig cilice cill cinct cincture cincturing cine cineol cineole cinerin cion circle circlet circling circuit cire cirl cit cite citer citing cito citole citric citrin citrine citron citrulline cittern cleg clerecole cleric client clientele cline cling clinger clingier clinic clint clit clitic clitoric clitter clittering clog clon clone cloner clonic cloning clot clote clotter clottering clottier clotting cloture cloturing clou clour clouring clout clouter clouting clue clueing cluier cluing clung clutter cluttering coctile coelenteric coenure coenuri coerce coercing coerect coerecting cog cogence cogener cogent cogie cogue coign coigne coil coiler coiling coin coiner coining cointer coir coit col cole coletit colic colicin colicine colin colitic coll collect collecting colleen college colleger collet colleting collie collier colling colt colter colting colure con conceit conceiting concent concenter concentering concentre concentring concern concerning concert concerti concerting concertini concetti concierge concrete concreting