Definition of Craniometer


  • an instrument for measuring skull sizes
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Craniometer

  • Scrabble® score of the craniometer (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the craniometer (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the craniometer (18)

Unscramble craniometer

1019 unscramble word found using the letters craniometer.

ace acer acetin acetone acme acmite acne acoemeti aconite acorn acre acro acron acroter act actin actinomere action actioner acton actor ae aeon aeonic aerie aerier aero aerometric ai aim aimer ain aine ainee air aircon airer airmen airn airt ait am ame ameer amen amene ament amerce amercer ami amice amie amin amine amino amir amnic amnio amniote amorce amoret amort amrit an ance ancome ane anemic anetic ani anime anoetic anomic anomie anoretic ant ante anterior anti antic antimere antre aortic ar arc arcmin arco are areic arene arenite arere aret arete ariot arm armer armet armoire armor aroint arrect arret art arti artic artier at ate atoc atom atomic atone atoner atonic cain cairn cam came cameo cami camion camo camote can cane caner canier canoe canoer cant canter cantier canto cantor car care careen career careme carer caret cariere carmen carmine carn carnet carnie carnier carom caron carotene carotin carr carrion carrom carron carrot carrotin cart carte carter carton cat cate cater caterer cation cee cement cementa cemitare cenote cent centai centare center centiare centime centimo cento centra centre cerate ceratin cere ceria cerite cermet cerne cero cert certain certainer certie cetane cete ciao cimar cine