Definition of Crotchetiness


  • a fussy and eccentric disposition
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Crotchetiness

  • Scrabble® score of the crotchetiness (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the crotchetiness (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the crotchetiness (22)

Unscramble crotchetiness

2025 unscramble word found using the letters crotchetiness.

cee cees cenote cenotes cens cense censer censers censes censor censors cent center centers centesis cento centoist centoists centos centre centres centric centries centrist centrists cents cerci cercis cercises cere ceres ceresin ceresins ceric cerise cerises cerite cerites cerne cernes cero ceros cerotic cert certes certie certs cess cesse cesser cession cesti cestoi cestos cete cetes ch che cheer cheerio cheerios cheero cheeros cheers chenet chenets cher chere chert chertiest cherts chess chest chestier chestiest chests chi chic chicer chicest chicness chico chicon chicons chicos chicot chicots chics chin chine chines chinese chino chinos chins chinse chinses chints chintses chiro chiros chirt chirts chis chit chiton chitons chits chitter chitters choc chocs choice choiceness choicer choices choicest choir choirs chon chons chore choree chorees choreic chores choric chorine chorines chorises chorist chorists chorten chortens chose chosen choses chott chotts christen christens chronic chronics cicero cicerone cicerones ciceros cicoree cicorees cinch cinches cinct cine cines cion cions circs cire cires cis cisco ciscoes ciscos cist cistern cisterns cistron cistrons cists cit cite citer citers cites citess cither cithern citherns cithers cithren cithrens cito citron citrons cits cittern citterns coch coches cochin cochins coerce coerces coerect coerects coesite coesites coheir coheiress coheirs